Meet our Silver Sponsor: Speakt

Η είναι μια start-up εταιρεία που δραστηριοποιείται κυρίως μέσω του διαδικτύου παρέχοντας υπηρεσίες μετάφρασης. Η τέχνη της μετάφρασης προϋποθέτει βαθιά γνώση της γλώσσας προκειμένου η εφαρμογή της τελευταίας μεθόδου τεχνολογίας αιχμής σε άψογο συνδυασμό με μεταφραστικές μνήμες να έχει το αποτέλεσμα που αρμόζει σε κάθε μεταφραστική πρόκληση. Υπό αυτό το πρίσμα, το διευρυμένο δίκτυο έμπειρων πιστοποιημένων και εξειδικευμένων μεταφραστών της είναι σε θέση να παρέχει μεταφραστικές υπηρεσίες σε ένα ευρύ πεδίο επιστημών και δραστηριοτήτων σε όλες τις ευρωπαϊκές αλλά και σε άλλες γλώσσες.

Συνέχεια ανάγνωσης Meet our Silver Sponsor: Speakt

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Meet our Gold Sponsor: Papaki

Papaki launched in 2004 with a vision to empower people with the world’s best online solutions. Today, true to that vision, we created a healthy, happy working environment for our people to work and collaborate as a team. We offer a complete range of online services such as domain name registration, web hosting, SSL certificates, website and eShop building tools, targeting SMBs, organizations and individuals, worldwide. Papaki is also the No1 accredited domain registrar for .GR and .EU domains in Greece, and the only accredited by ICANN in the country, with more than 500 TLDs available for registration.

At Papaki, we love WordPress and the fascinating community behind it. Our Managed WordPress Hosting was built by people passionate about WordPress and Docker, who dedicated extra time and resources to develop a serverless, distributed, scalable infrastructure, with managed updates, 24/7 security protection, one-click backup restore, scaling on demand, and new intelligent caching technology. Our goal is to make WP user experience a piece of cake, even for the most novice users.

In addition, considering the eCommerce growth worldwide and the potential for our customers, we invested in WooCommerce. We created specialized Managed WooCommerce Hosting plans addressing the main pain points of WOO and open source, such as speed, updates and uptime. Building and managing products becomes a super easy process and at the same time users have access to automated daily backups, our custom super fast cache and update process, as well as a state of the art infrastructure.

We are constantly trying to understand online user’s needs, and do our best to create a community of as many Happy.People.Online as we can. We never stop improving ourselves and our services, so we can turn even the most complex technology into a simple service backed up by amazing customer support.

Συνέχεια ανάγνωσης Meet our Gold Sponsor: Papaki

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Meet our Silver Sponsor: Siteground

SiteGround, with over 13 years in the business, provides managed WordPress hosting that does not miss a thing!

Their servers, available in 5 data centers on 3 continents, are optimized for ultimate WordPress speed and security and they provide many goodies for the WordPress fans – automatic updates for the core WordPress and its plugins, WordPress SuperCacher for ultimate speed acceleration, staging tool for the coders and unique WordPress autoinstaller for the starting users – all crafted in-house by the SiteGround team. And still they do not forget the importance of the good old standard hosting features like the domain name registration, the email service, control panel and the reasonable pricing.

They also have a support team that is not only available 24/7 by phone, chat and ticketing, but consists of WordPress enthusiasts who will help you with specific WordPress issues.

SiteGround has been actively involved with the community speaking, supporting and attending various WordCamps around the world and by sponsoring WordCamp Athens, they want to further contribute to the amazing WordPress community.

Συνέχεια ανάγνωσης Meet our Silver Sponsor: Siteground

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Meet our Global Community Sponsor: GoDaddy

GoDaddy’s mission is to radically shift the global economy toward small businesses by empowering people to easily start, confidently grow and successfully run their own ventures. With more than 12 million customers worldwide and 57 million domain names under management, GoDaddy gives small business owners the tools to name their idea, build a beautiful online presence, attract customers and manage their business. Συνέχεια ανάγνωσης Meet our Global Community Sponsor: GoDaddy

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Meet our Global Community Sponsor: Jetpack

Jetpack is a free WordPress plugin that simplifies managing your sites. This single plugin enables Photon (a global CDN for images), uptime monitoring, brute force protection, traffic-boosting tools, single sign on, multiple-site management, and automatic or bulk plugin updates. Additionally Jetpack includes several features that help you customize the look and feel of your site without installing other tools. More information can be found at

Συνέχεια ανάγνωσης Meet our Global Community Sponsor: Jetpack

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Meet our Global Community Sponsor: WooCommerce

WooCommerce is the fastest growing eCommerce software/platform, powering over 30% of all eCommerce stores with over 1 million active installations. It is is built to integrate seamlessly with WordPress, making it the obvious eCommerce choice for existing WordPress users and connects you to the fast-growing WordPress ecosystem which now powers over 25% of all websites on the internet. Συνέχεια ανάγνωσης Meet our Global Community Sponsor: WooCommerce

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